Administrative Staff
Deborah Mallek
The founding Director at Canaland, Deb Mallek, has been on staff since 1985. Deb’s husband is Pastor Matt Mallek, the founding pastor of Refuge. They have four children and eight grandchildren! Deb’s heart for children began at an early age and hasn’t weakened. Canaland’s mission to serve this community, providing the best possible child care available hasn’t changed either!
Some of Deb’s favorite “kid things” are:
Favorite Kid Food: Chick-fil-a Chicken Nuggets
Favorite Kid Story/Book: The Little Engine that Could
Favorite Kid Game: Chutes & Ladders
Favorite thing about working with children: Their innocence, automatic forgiveness and unconditional love!
Jennifer Kleiner
Canaland’s Program Director, Jennifer, and her husband Tim moved back to the north from Tulsa, OK where Jennifer operated an in-home child care. They have three children, Ally, Dylan and Maddy. Jennifer’s professionalism and passion to serve makes her a great asset to Canaland.
Some of Jennifer’s favorite “kid things” are:
Food: Mac & Cheese
Story: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Game: Peek-a-Boo & Duck, Duck, Goose
Favorite thing about working with children: Their hugs, smiles, and excitement to learn
Rachel Cattanach
Rachel recently moved from Illinois in 2023 and started working in our preschool classrooms! She has been such an incredible addition and a great resource and moved up to the Assistant Director role very quickly! Rachel said her favorite part about working at Canaland is the welcoming community. She says working with young children comes with its challenges, but being a part of an amazing team of fellow Christ followers makes Canaland a very special place to be!
Missy Kessel
Missy has been at Canaland for over 30 years! She’s served in a lot of different roles at both Canaland and Stevens Point Christian Academy. Missy is a mathematician, but before that, she’s an amazing teacher! Missy and her husband, Francis get to help raise their grandchild and are also foster parents.
Some of Missy’s favorite “kid things” are:
Favorite Kid Food: Mac-n-cheese
Favorite Kid Story/Book: John Lion’s Book
Favorite Kid Game: Candyland
Favorite thing about working with children: All their great hugs!